Creating inclusive access for studio groups, NFASP guidance, 2009

Inclusive studios The Art House, Wakefield

Resource Details: 

Prepared by The Art House, Wakefield, this guidance aims to outline the responsibilities of groups and organisations that manage studios for artists under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) and to explore how studios – as service providers – might respond to those responsibilities.
The guidance provides basic information, ie. what it is essential for studio managers to know about, plus checklists and sources of further advice and support. 

Whilst much of the information groups need to know exists in the public domain, the guidance is informed by the experience of The Art House, a unique membership organisation for visual artists established in 1994 to campaign for equality of access to opportunities for work, training and exhibiting for both disabled and non-disabled artists.

In 2008, The Art House opened its purpose-built accessible workspace in Wakefield, see:

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